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Take a Closer Look

Is this for me?

Are you an artist working in any medium? Do you have time, space and materials for your practice? Can you commit to 2 hours learning per week for 10 weeks? Are you interested in joining a critical and collaborative discussion about your practice? If you got excited reading this list because you answered yes to all of them, then yes, this is for you.

Can I teach/lecture?

We offer a collaborative programme in which everyone teaches and learns from each other. If you have something to teach then please sign-up. Whille we are starting to share the facilitation roles, and run workshops, we are not currently looking to employ anyone who has not gone through our programme.

Am I qualified?

There is no need to have any formal qualifications to join the course. The discussion is pitched at university and post-graduate level education. If this is something that you have any doubts about please get in touch via the contact form on our website. We will always be happy to point you towards a good next step for your development, even if that's not with us. Don't underestimate yourself!

Are there drawing/painting classes?

There are no practical lessons on how to draw, paint, or sculpt on the main programme. Artists are expected to produce work outside of classes which we present during class as part of an ongoing group critique and collaboration. Our programme is supported with 1-1 support and tutorials and so, of course, we can offer specific advice where needed. We can also point you in the direction of other great local organisations and programmes which will support the technical side of your practice. We sometimes host workshops where practical skills are taught but these are not part of the main programme and sometimes will incur an additional cost. we will be running a series of short practical courses from February 2024 to supplement the main programme and for artists who want more practical support. Join our mailing list for more info.

Am I too old/young?

Definitely not! The programme is intended for adults of all ages. We welcome artists from age 16/17 until 120!

Do you provide studio space and equipment?

No, we do not as standard practice. Artists are expected to have space and materials to make work independently outside of lessons. We are well connected to other orgnaisations and groups who have reasonably priced studio space, and many of our artists share spaces nearby. We can also signpost you to other brilliant groups who have specific facilities you may need locally, just drop us a line. From Spring 2024 we will be offering studio options for the programme. Join our mailing list for more info.

What facilities do you provide?

We have a dedicated, public-facing workshop/gallery space in Priory Meadow, and teaching spaces across town. We also have a brilliant art library with over 2000 books, catalogues and journals to support your research and learning with us. From Spring 2024 we will also have a printing press up and running for etching and monoprinting facilities thanks to a very generous donation. Join our mailing list for more info.

I'm away for one (or more) of the dates... can I reschedule?

Our aim is to make sure you can continue your development around the rest of your life without huge sacrifices. Where possible you can join another group for any sessions you are away for. We also offer a Zoom option if you are away for a few weeks and want to stay with your cohort. Just let us know in advance. From Jan 2024 we will alos be hosting a online only cohort which will allow you to join from anywhere in the world. Join our mailing list for more info.

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